Choose the product and the quantity you wish to purchase, click ADD TO CART.
Pilih product & jumlah yang ingin anda beli, lalu klik ADD TO CART
Once you’re done picking the products to purchase, click the shopping bag icon on top right, and click CHECKOUT.
Setelah selesai memilih product yang ingin dibeli, klik gambar tas di pojok kanan atas, lalu klik CHECKOUT.
For customers that have registered before, please click LOG IN. If you haven’t, please REGISTER.
Untuk customer yang sudah pernah register sebelumnya, silahkan langsung LOG IN, Untuk customer baru, anda dapat memilih REGISTER.
Do a re-check before you follow the next steps. Check the “I have read and agree” box to continue with the payment and your payment ID number will appear.
Periksa kembali belanjaan anda, lalu ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya. Terakhir, klik dibox "I have read and agree" lalu continue pembayaran. anda akan mendapatkan nomor id.
Please check your e-mail for invoice details. To see the Payment Detail, bank account to transfer to, click PAYMENT CONFIRMATION.
Silahkan cek e-mail anda untuk detail invoicenya, untuk melihat Detail Payment, Rekening transfer, klik PAYMENT CONFIRMATION.
Orders that have not been paid for within the specified time of 5 hours will be canceled automatically from our system. Please immediately confirm your payment in PAYMENT CONFIRMATION if you have paid. Upload your transaction evidence to speed up the process.
Pemesanan yang belum dibayarkan dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan (5 jam) akan dibatalkan secara otomatis dari sistem kami. Harap segera PAYMENT CONFIRMATION jika sudah lakukan transaksi. Sertakan bukti transfer agar mempercepat proses.
After the payment confirmation, we will check the incoming transaction mutations within 1x24 hours. And our system will send a notification via Email (to the email you registered at the time of registration) when the payment has been received, your order will be processed immediately and will be sent the next day. You will get notification about information of your tracking number/receipt. *Please check your junk / spam email if you don't receive the notification email in your inbox. If you still haven’t received the notification, please contact us.
Setelah konfirmasi pembayaran, kami akan mengecek mutasi transaksi yang masuk dalam 1x24jam. Dan sistem kami akan mengirimkan notifikasi via Email (Ke email yang anda daftarkan pada saat register) apabila payment/pembayaran sudah diterima, barang akan segera diproses dan segera dikirim di hari berikutnya. Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi info tentang nomor tracking/resi anda. *Harap cek di junk/spam email jika anda tidak menerima email notifikasi tersebut di inbox. Jika masih belum mendapatkan notifikasi tersebut anda dapat menghubungi kami.
Happy Shopping!