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Why You Should Learn to Accept Compliments

Accepting compliments is an act of self love.
We want people to like us, but when they compliment us,
we give them weird rejection and deny it. Why?
After all, accepting compliments is an act of self-love. How can we love others if we still struggling to love ourselves? It is not hard to learn to love yourself, you can start anywhere, and you can start by accepting compliments because they come from the perspectives of others— things we can’t see but the others can.
Sometimes we feel like receiving and accepting those compliments may come off as narcissist or cocky. But we don’t have to worry about sounding like one! It’s pretty much about how you accept it anyway, and it’s not hard to do.
By learning to say the right words to accept and absorb the compliments, we make the giver feels good and also make the receiver (us) feels good too. Here are simple words to accept compliments.
“Thank you”
Exactly, it is as simple as that! Sometimes if we don’t know how to give them back a compliment, we can simply thank them and be genuine about it. Not like we have to compliment back though, because if we force without thinking it may come off as not genuine.
There are other words we can say too to appreciate their kindness by saying:
“I really appreciate you noticing that about me”
“That means a lot”
“I’m glad I could help”
Without us realizing, we glow differently when we start to learn to accept compliments because we make the compliment giver (and the people around us too) feel good. Let's glow together, Dears!